Working with Environment Variables in node.js
TLDR; Reading environment variables, asserting their values, and parsing them to the correct type, can be laborious in node.js. env-var is an attempt improve upon this.
Utilising environment variables is an effective solution for managing environment dependent configurations in a software solution regardless of the language you’re using. Here’s how we can access environment variables in node.js.
var MAX_BATCH_SIZE = process.env.MAX_BATCH_SIZE;
If we run this program as shown below, then it would receive a String with the value of the MAX_BATCH_SIZE environment variable.
$ MAX_BATCH_SIZE=10 node my-program.js
This is pretty simple stuff at a high-level, but is imperfect when it comes to unit testing, verifying variables are set, and ensuring they are set within specific constraints. Take our MAX_BATCH_SIZE for example; by default it will be of type String when loaded into our program despite our desire for it to be of type number, and how do we ensure it is set?
assertions for variables and values
On a recent project we needed to ensure that certain variables were set, and that they were set to valid values. We could have just read in the variables, assumed they were correct and run the program, but that could easily lead to unforseen runtime errors, even due to an innocent typo.
One such example was where we needed environment variables that controlled the concurrency levels of certain operations. This resulted in the following type of code.
var assert = require('assert');
// Read the var, and use parseInt to make it a number
var MAX_BATCH_SIZE = parseInt(process.env.MAX_BATCH_SIZE, 10);
// Check the var is a valid number, if not throw
typeof MAX_BATCH_SIZE === 'number' &&
'MAX_BATCH_SIZE env var must be a positive number'
Each system that required variables had code similar to this meaning we were writing repetitive, and error prone code. Besides the fact that it’s not DRY, increases testing effort, and margin for error - it just doesn’t read well. Sure we can extract the conditional logic into a named function, but it’d be nice if something was available that did this for us since it’s a simple and common use case.
testing and process.env
When it comes to testing code we need mechanisms that allow us to stub out the environment object. In the case of node.js, the process.env object is a mutable global variable. You might be thinking “awesome, I can just configure it inside each test case”, but this isn’t a great idea since if you screw this up, the resulting corruption of shared state could have negative affects on other test cases. This shared state can be rage inducing to debug when it causes bugs. At the very least it’ll annoy you and waste valuable time, and is easily avoided.
As a solution, you could perform some sort of inversion of control setup where you declare a module as demonstrated below, and can therefore inject a mock process.env.
// Loads our SQL config from env vars.
// Throws if a required val is missing
module.exports = function getSqlOptions (environment) {
var ret = {};
].forEach(function (n) {
ret[n] = environment[n];
typeof ret[n],
'variable ' + n + ' must be set'
// Return our created object that contains the vars from process.env
return ret;
This solves the problem since your test can inject whatever it likes for environment, thereby avoiding the dangers of shared state, but you need to use this pattern everywhere process.env is required. You also still need to perform assertions and parsing on the environment variables depending on their use. Not a big deal, but not ideal either.
I’m privileged to work with some awesome folks, and during code reviews and some conversations we agreed we could easily address these issues, and that’s what happened. We were already using, env-var, a module I had developed a few months back to manage reading variables and to address the testing issues discussed above, so I felt it necessary to improve this module after our chat.
The improvements implemented in the env-var module allow us to easily verify our environment is configured correctly, and has vastly improved readability.
var env = require('env-var');
// Verify the variable is set, parse to an integer, and ensure it's >=0
var MAX_BATCH_SIZE = env('MAX_BATCH_SIZE').required().asPositiveInt()
If MAX_BATCH_SIZE were not set or was a negative integer, an exception like the following would be raised.
VError: env-var: MAX_BATCH_SIZE should be a valid integer, but was undefined
at Object.isInt (my-project/node_modules/env-var/lib/type-checks.js:36:15)
at Object.types.isPositiveInt (my-project/node_modules/env-var/lib/type-checks.js:9:23)
at Object.asInt [as asPositiveInt] (my-project/node_modules/env-var/lib/variable.js:24:20)
This one line of code is far more expressive than manual assertions and when working on a team where code is being read as much as written this is really beneficial.